Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Incredible Associations!

Corneal arcus. Photograph of patient's eyes sh...Image via Wikipedia
When i saw the headline Corneal arcus `associated with eye pressure' I did a double take!

There was a recent publication in the November issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals, showing that corneal arcus was present in the right eyes of 57.9 per cent of people with elevated eye pressure. Renyi Wu, M.D., Ph.D., of the Singapore Eye Research Institute, and colleagues examined the prevalence and consequences of corneal arcus among 3,015 individuals age 40 to 80. Participants underwent an interview and eye examinations, including corneal measurements, assessment of intraocular pressure and identification of corneal arcus using a slitlamp.

Here is the best part: "There is no known explanation for the association of corneal arcus with higher intraocular pressure," the authors write.

If there was some link between lipid deposition localized to the cornea and IOP, I can see the point, but do you?

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