I'm sorry, I'm posting this verbatim from
First DraftJust too funny/shameful. Tell me how does someone like this get elected to office?
Maybe Laloo Prasad Yadav &
Rabri Devi can do better!
Chimpy sat down for a chat with
Sean Hannity yesterday.
Values Matters Well
Well, I suspect people are going to vote for [Georgia Republikkkan] Max [Burns] because they know him as local boy who's got — share their values. Now, values matters well in a race.
Deep Thinker
Well, I think this: I think that if you don't think we're in a war that you can't win the war.
A Trip to the Concession Stand
Now, you can imagine these radicals getting a hold of a country where they're able to pull oil off the market to run the price of oil up to extract concession. What concession would they like? Well, one concession would be to retreat. In other words, you don't retreat, we'll raise the price of oil.
Brain Fart
They have a different view of the world that then makes — that — and, therefore, their policies would weaken us.
What Your Politics Is?
No matter what your politics is, we ought to be thanking these people for volunteering.
"Stay the Course" Twisted By Democrats
Well, what I meant was, "Don't leave before the job is done." But in my line of work, words always get, you know, kind of put in different contexts and, you know, I guess they use words to suit their purposes. Stay the course, when I said that, was we will get the job done, because I understand that if we leave Iraq before the job is done, it will make the world a very dangerous place and make this country more vulnerable to attack.
Negative Trouble
Well, listen, there's a lot of pessimists who don't believe, one, we should have been there and, two, that we can't succeed. And that is just plain wrong that people can't — believe we can't succeed.
Remember All Those Pessimists At The End OF WWII
There were people who said we couldn't succeed after World War II, couldn't succeed during the Cold War. And, fortunately, the leaders then didn't listen to the pessimists.
Desperate For... Something
In the meantime, there are societies where people are so hopeless that they're desperate for, you know, something. In other words, imagine the type of society in which a 16-year-old kid agrees that maybe the best thing for him is to listen to an elder and strap a suicide — you know, conduct a suicide operation.
Bin Laden -- Not The Suicider
You'll notice, by the way, that Usama bin Laden doesn't actually — is not the suicider. He finds desperate people who are the suiciders or propagandize people.
Freedom Will End Up Doing
Right now, there's an ideological conflict going on and — but freedom will end up doing is preventing the totalitarian point of view from gaining even more traction than it has.
Britain Detains People Trying To Protect Us
Witnessed some of those bombers in Great Britain that we helped Great Britain detain. And, by the way, the British did a wonderful job of finding those people before they got on airplanes to protect us.
The Ubiquitous Number 3
Well, [capturing bin Laden is] important, and that's why we're after him every single day. But so is getting Zawahiri important, and so is getting the number-three guy, whoever he is when they pop up. You know, we've got this guy, Zarqawi.