Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Here we are in Singapore! After nearly 20hrs of flying...
The more things change the more they stay the same. Changi was clean and efficient as usual. Traffic on the streets seemed a whole lot busier ( I was last here 3 yrs back). The weather is humid (and exhausting), but nearly every evening we are treated to nearly an hour of downpour.
The other thing I noticed was the noise levels. Cellphones ringing all over the place. Even in public buses there is a television set, cant turn that volume down, kids and adults alike talking aloud even @ 10 PM, music videos - the senses are so bombarded its hard to take it all...
My son needed a Visa to go to India and the experience @ the Indian embassy is best described by one word - Embarrassment! We are charged USD 140 to get a 6 month visa. Grrrr...
Leaving for Bangalore in 4 days. While walking the streets here, I was taking pictures of street signs and was shocked to see this one ...

Monday, November 13, 2006


Ha! The irony of it all. A GOP senator from Oregon gives a speech on Globalization. But wait. It was written by a firm in India! Oh Lordy.
Go and read here

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Beautify a Mac

I have been a Mac user for a year now and notice that most have similar screens when you first get 'em.

Customizing the icons on the dock is actually very simple, along with the finder, but Apple made their programs icons a little bit more difficult to change. But there is help.
Read more here

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Want a pro A/C with Zoomr

I love the wonder and amazement that's seen in the kids eyes - this was taken @ the discovery center, where we had my son's Birthday!

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