Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Mangalathmka - Nambu Narayanana - Vidyabhushana
Every time I hear this, my hair stands on end... what a beautiful rendition...
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
My Business!
In the last few weeks, I have taken the easy road of cutting and pasting some code to get my Daily Dose of DevaranAma. I have added little else because, I have been busy trying to put together a business plan/proposal. This is to have my own optometry practice. So, my days have been spent meeting with realtor's /builders/bankers/attorneys/design staff/architect... you get the point.
It is amazing how quickly the $ add up! of course, everyone wants to make money, as I do too.
One of the challenges has been to figure what to call the new practice... any ideas, please e-mail me.
Here is the layout that I like best:
Get your own widget and share anywhere!
I should know how big my loan is going to be in the next few weeks. And once we set the ball rolling, there is no turning back.
This is especially unnerving as no one in my family has ever gone into business - we have always taken the 'safe road'. So much so, when I first broached the idea with my dad, his words were 'be careful'. Not what you would expect to hear, but I know him too well to take it as being hurtful....
So, over the next weeks let me continue to post devara nAmas and for those few who chance upon this site, enjoy!
In the last few weeks, I have taken the easy road of cutting and pasting some code to get my Daily Dose of DevaranAma. I have added little else because, I have been busy trying to put together a business plan/proposal. This is to have my own optometry practice. So, my days have been spent meeting with realtor's /builders/bankers/attorneys/design staff/architect... you get the point.
It is amazing how quickly the $ add up! of course, everyone wants to make money, as I do too.
One of the challenges has been to figure what to call the new practice... any ideas, please e-mail me.
Here is the layout that I like best:
Get your own widget and share anywhere!
I should know how big my loan is going to be in the next few weeks. And once we set the ball rolling, there is no turning back.
This is especially unnerving as no one in my family has ever gone into business - we have always taken the 'safe road'. So much so, when I first broached the idea with my dad, his words were 'be careful'. Not what you would expect to hear, but I know him too well to take it as being hurtful....
So, over the next weeks let me continue to post devara nAmas and for those few who chance upon this site, enjoy!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Karuniso Ranga - Vidyabhushana
P: karuniSO rangA karuNisO
A: iruLu hagalu ninna smaraNeyittu enna OR alternately sung as:
iruLu hagalu ninna smaraNe mareyadante
C1: rukumAngadanaMte vrata mADalariyenO
SukamuniyaMte stutisalariye
bakavairiyaMte dhyAnava mADalariye
dEvakiyaMte etti muddisalariye
2: garuDanaMte pottu tirugalariye nAnu
vara kapiyaMte sEvisalariye
suramuniyaMte pADalariye nAnu
[karirAjanaMte kareyalariye]
siriyaMte neredu mOhisalariye
3: baliyaMte dAnava koDalariyeno- bhakti
chalavanariye prahlAdanaMte
olisalArenu arjunanaMte sakhanAgi
salahO dEvadEva purandaraviTTala
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Kandena Govindana - Ratnamala Prakash
kaNDEnA gOvindanA ----rIkAkSana pANDava pakSana
kEshava nArAyaNa shrI krSnana vAsudEva accutAnandana
sAsira nAmada shrI hriSIkeshana sESa shayana namma vvasudEva sutana
puruSOttama narahari shrI krSnana sharaNAgata rakSakanA
karuNAkara namma purandara viThalanA nerenambidanO bELUra sannigana
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Hoova Taruvara - Vidyabhushana
Sometimes, the lyrics may not match the song you hear. That's because artists sometimes choose to skip or re-arrange verses. I'm trying to find lyrics over the net and post em... so bear with me.
Hoova taruvara manege hulla taruva
Ava lakumi ramana ivagilla garuvaa
Ondu dala shree tulasi bindu gangodakava
Indiraaramanagey arpita yenutaa
Ondey mansinali indishayana yene
Yendendu vasipanu mandiradolagey
Pandavara maneolagey kuduregala taa toledu
Pundarikaakshataa hullanoo tinisee
Andaja vaahana namma purandara vitala
Tondarige tondanagi sancharisutihan