In the last few weeks, I have taken the easy road of cutting and pasting some code to get my Daily Dose of DevaranAma. I have added little else because, I have been busy trying to put together a business plan/proposal. This is to have my own optometry practice. So, my days have been spent meeting with realtor's /builders/bankers/attorneys/design staff/architect... you get the point.
It is amazing how quickly the $ add up! of course, everyone wants to make money, as I do too.
One of the challenges has been to figure what to call the new practice... any ideas, please e-mail me.
Here is the layout that I like best:
Get your own Box.net widget and share anywhere!
I should know how big my loan is going to be in the next few weeks. And once we set the ball rolling, there is no turning back.
This is especially unnerving as no one in my family has ever gone into business - we have always taken the 'safe road'. So much so, when I first broached the idea with my dad, his words were 'be careful'. Not what you would expect to hear, but I know him too well to take it as being hurtful....
So, over the next weeks let me continue to post devara nAmas and for those few who chance upon this site, enjoy!
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