Presbyopia is the slow deterioration of close vision and is most commonly attributed to aging. The condition is caused by a loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens, the structure behind the iris that enables the eye to focus on objects at various distances. People with presbyopia have the choice of correction their vision with reading glasses, monovision contact lenses (one eye is corrected for distance, one for up close), or laser surgery.
In the New York Times SSkin Deep column, Camille Sweeney observed that as the population ages, experts in the eye-care industry say the potential for the presbyopia correction market is huge.
In early trials is a treatment called the transscleral light therapy system, pioneered by a company called Oculatek: in which a laser device emits a low level of light aimed at strengthening the ciliary muscle...under the whites of the eyes. Another option is refractive lens exchange, an outpatient surgical procedure which involves 'replacing the natural crystalline lens with an artificial one'.
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