HealthDay reported that, according to a survey conducted by the American Optometric Association (AOA), even though people who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses constitute 81 percent of the population, approximately one of every five of them hasn't seen an eye doctor or eye-care specialist in more than two years, the recommended period between eye checkups. Three of every five of those who don't use corrective lenses said that they had not had a vision exam in more than two years.
Some eye doctors believe this is because most vision problems aren't readily apparent, and because people have enough on their plates. AOA spokesman and optometrist Kerry Beebe, OD, said that the problem with these perceptions is that most eye diseases come on subtly. Once someone recognizes vision loss, it's usually too late to have pursued many avenues of treatment. Dr. Beebe added that people don't realize a lot of eye diseases don't have any symptoms in the early stages, which is where you'd like to treat those kinds of problems.
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