I just returned from a 2 day workshop called the The First Practice Academy.
This was a workshop held in Atlanta, GA. The sponsors were Ciba Vision and Essilor of America.
The entire event was aimed at a new business owner. I was one among over a 100 young doctors of optometry eager to listen to leaders in the industry. These leaders are individuals who started small themselves and grew into multi location, multi million dollar practices.
It was an amazing event - very inspiring and filled with great insights. I can't think of any other profession where this takes place. I have always been convinced that optometry is a very generous profession and this only went to further cement that opinion.
The speakers were Laurie L. Sorrenson, Amir Khoshnevis, Kelly Kerksick, Carole Burns, Mark Wright.
I want to thank the main sponsors for giving me an opportunity to be there...
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