Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder named for German physician Alois Alzheimer, who first described it in 1906. We know it
Is a progressive and fatal brain disease
Is the most common form of dementia
Has no current cure.
A standard eye exam technique can throw light on early detection of this condition. And that test is Visual Field.
One-sided defects, (also referred to as right or left partial homonymous hemianopsia) on visual field testing were a giveaway in 80% of cases with the visual variant of Alzheimer's disease, according to Pierre-Francois Kaeser, MD, and Francois-Xavier Borruat, MD, both of the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Although we know that there is no specific cure, the sooner patients are referred to a neurologist the better, since early diagnosis and treatment may result in a better end prognosis.
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