Tuesday, February 23, 2010
WV Bill Would Allow Optometrists To Perform Laser Surgeries For Glaucoma
While opponents of the bill such as Sen. Ron Stollings, D-Boone argued Monday that's three procedures too many.
Stollings, a physician in Madison, said he became ill undergoing one of the laser surgery procedures for glaucoma, and considers himself fortunate he was under the care of an ophthalmologist -- a medical doctor with advanced training in treatment of eye diseases -- rather than an optometrist.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Jeff Kessler (D-Marshall), who offered the amendment on the Senate floor, said there are safeguards built into the proposed legislation.
The bill went through the Government Organization Committee, but bypassed the Health and Human Resources Committee. The Register-Herald quotes optometrist David Holliday, OD, saying, "Optometrists are performing these procedures in certain states. We're not the exception by any means. We feel comfortable with those procedures and fully qualified to do those jobs
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