California's San Mateo Daily News reported that 10-year-old Tino Benelli, a student who plays offensive tackle as well as defense for the local Pop Warner team, Bayside Broncos, has albinism, a condition that renders him legally blind.
Currently, the boy plays football with low to no vision, because referees do not allow him to wear a doctor-prescribed, tinted face shield, for safety reasons. But, starting next week, he will wear tinted goggles instead. Until then, Tino will play without any light-filtering protection. The Daily News explained that albinism refers to a group of inherited conditions in which people have little or no pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair. They have altered genes that do not make the usual amounts of a pigment called melanin. One in every 17,000 residents in America has some type of albinism. According to the Daily News, people with albinism always have problems with vision, which are not correctable with eyeglasses, and many have low vision.
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