Ohio's Newark Advocate reported that, during cataract surgery, doctors remove the natural lens of the eye and replace it with a new one.
Now, a series of premium lenses allows...more freedom for cataract patients than traditional monofocal lenses. Two multifocal lenses -- ReZoom and ReStor -- have concentric circles with different focusing zones. By comparison, the Crystalens is a homogenous lens that has special arms that allow eye muscles to focus naturally by moving the lens back and forth within the eye.
The Advocate pointed out that each lens has its advantages and drawbacks. For example, rings in the ReStor and ReZoom lenses can cause some patients to experience a halo effect or glare, which should diminish with time. The single lens Crystalens has less glare. The ReStor lens is best for close-up vision; ReZoom and Crystalens are stronger for intermediate and distance vision. A soon-to-be released, new version of Crystalens...is supposed to improve reading vision over its previous design. Despite their advantages, premium lenses are often not covered by insurance, and cost roughly $1,295 per eye, on average.
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