About 200,000 new cases of advanced, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are identified each year in the United States, many older Americans with more severe or "wet" forms of AMD endured inevitable, gradual loss of central vision.
Lucentis in clinical trials has been shown to stop and, in many cases, reverse at least some vision loss in most people with advanced AMD. Another drug closely related to Lucentis, known as Avastin (bevacizumab), also has been shown to be a highly effective and far cheaper alternative for lower-income individuals with advanced AMD.
The problem is that Avastin is FDA-approved only for treatment of colon and other cancers, but not for macular degeneration. As an alternative, many eye doctors have been using Avastin as an "off-label" treatment.
Pharmaceutical companies are driven by financial intersts, while physicians with patient care. Here is an excellent article that summarizes it.
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