According to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from the UK's University of Glasgow say they have solved the mystery of how a girl with half a brain has near perfect vision in one eye.
The 10-year-old girl was born missing the right side of her brain, whose job it is to map the left field of vision. Magnetic resonance imaging scans showed that the girl's brain rewired itself during development when she was still in utero. In spite of having some seizures as a toddler, which were successfully treated, and slight weakness on her left side, the girl has had a normal medical history, attending school and taking part in regular activities. Amazingly, her left and right field vision is almost perfect in one eye.
Dr Lars Muckli, of the university's Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, said: "The brain has amazing plasticity but we were quite astonished to see just how well the single hemisphere of the brain in this girl has adapted to compensate for the missing half.
"Despite lacking one hemisphere, the girl has normal psychological function and is perfectly capable of living a normal and fulfilling life. She is witty, charming and intelligent."
Scans revealed that retinal nerve fibers carrying visual information from the back of the eye which should have gone to the right hemisphere of the brain diverted to the left.
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